6  BLD: Boring, Limited, Difficult

7 Boring begets Useful

Two ends of the novelty spectrum

Novel Boring
Life-stage Early, pre-release Mature, late-stage
Adoption Early-adopters Wide-spread
Production, Distribution Competitive, struggle for market share and monopolization Monopolies, appearance of choice
Public Perception Unnoticed and thus inconsequential, potentially dangerous
Applications, use-cases Hobbyist, enthusiast, experimental Standardized, monopoly, scheduled obsolescence and revisions

Every new technology bgins life as novelty. As it gains wide-spread adoption, standardization eases production, regulations limit abuse and everyday integration dictates et. As the novelty value decreases The easier any form of communication becomes, the less value it holds as a novelty item since the production increases and Jess thought I’d put into it. e.g, base R vs ggplot2

The more exciting a form (media) is, the less thoughtful it is, since the media itself distracts

8 Limits beget Novelty

Applying constraints to limit creative space results in an increase in crativity.

9 Difficult begets Thoughtful