1 Introduction

This workshop assumes you have the following software installed to the latest (or recent) versions

  1. Download and install R.
  2. Download and install RStudio Desktop.

We’ll use the following R packages throughout the workshop, so please have these installed:

  1. tidyverse, an umbrella package to install dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, tibble, purrr, stringr, forcats and readr.
  2. rmarkdown and knitr

1.1 Workshop outline

The workshop will progress through the following topics:

  • Part 1: tidyverse review
  • Part 2: Project outlines
    • Chapter 6: Course-wide exercises
  • Part 3: Functionalization
    • Chapter 7: Writing functions
    • Chapter 8: Programming with the tidyverse
  • Part 4: Controlling the flow your script
    • Chapter 9: Control structures & reiterations
  • Part 5: R Markdown, parameterized reports
    • Chapter 10: R Markdown & parameterized reports