Hands-on machine learning for predictive analytics

Misk Academy


Students will learn many of the most common machine learning methods to include:

  • A proper modeling process
  • Feature engineering
  • Linear and logistic regression
  • Regularized models
  • K-nearest neighbors
  • Random forests
  • Gradient boosting machines
  • Stacking / super learners
  • And more!

This module will teach students how to build and tune these various models with R and Python packages that have been tested and approved due to their ability to scale well (i.e. glmnet, ranger, xgboost, h2o, scikit-learn). However, the motivation in almost every case is to describe the techniques in a way that helps develop intuition for its strengths and weaknesses.

Learning Objectives

This module will step through the process of building, visualizing, testing, and comparing supervised models. The goal is to expose you to building machine learning models using a variety of algorithms. By the end of this module you should:

  • Understand how to apply an end-to-end modeling process that allows you to find an optimal model.
  • Be able to properly pre-process your feature and target variables.
  • Interpret, apply and compare today’s most popular and effective machine learning algorithms.
  • Methodically and efficiently tune these algorithms.
  • Visualize and compare how features impact these models.


This module makes a few assumptions of your established knowledge regarding your programming skills and exposure to basic statistical concepts. Below are my assumptions and the relevant courses that you should have already attended to make sure you are properly prepared. The material provides examples in both R and Python so as long as you are proficient with the assumptions below for one language then you will be good to go.


  • Comfortable with R & Python programming
  • Proficient with basic data wrangling tasks
  • Knowledgable of foundational statistics

Code books

Code to run the examples are included in the main course repository in the ML folder: Misk-DSI-2021-01/ML .

For R users, please run the R/00-setup.Rmd script to install the necessary packages. For Python users, a requirements.txt file will be provided and discussed in class.


Lesson Description Reading(s) Slides Source code
1 Introduction to machine learning Notebook HTML 01-introduction.*
2 The modeling process Notebook HTML 02-modeling-process.*
3 Feature and target engineering Notebook HTML 03-feature-engineering.*
4 ML Portfolio builder #1 Notebook
5 Linear regression Notebook HTML /04-linear-regression.*
6 Logistic regression Notebook HTML 05-logistic-regression.*
7 Regularized regression Notebook HTML 06-regularized-regression.*
8 ML Portfolio builder #2 Notebook
9 Multivariate adaptive regression splines Notebook HTML 07-mars.*
10 K-nearest neighbors Notebook HTML 08-knn.*
11 Decision trees Notebook HTML 09-decision-trees.*
12 Bagging Notebook HTML 10-bagging.*
13 Random forests Notebook HTML 11-random-forests.*
14 ML Portfolio builder #3 Notebook
15 Gradient boosting Notebook HTML 12-gbm.*
16 Stacked models & AutoML Notebook HTML 13-stacking.*
17 ML Portfolio builder #4 Notebook