Python and R for the Modern Data Scientist
Discover the
modern data ecosystem
We believe in using the best tools for the job. That’s why we enable data professionals to improve their daily work with R and Python.

Reveal the best of both worlds
Learn R as a Pythonista
R is made by and for statisticians. New advances, such as the Tidyverse, have transformed the language, opening up new ways to work with and reason about data for seasoned Pythonistas.
Learn Python as a UseR
UseRs will learn to take advantage of the excellent possibilities that this general-purpose language provides, especially in topics such as machine learning.
Understand the packages
We'll help you sort through the dazzling variety of packages and help you avoid reinventing the wheel.
Discover the best workflows
We'll explore machine learning, data visualization, reporting and others to uncover the best tools for the job.
Integrate R and Python
We'll take a step-by-step walk-through of tools that integrate Python & R into a single workflow that will change the way you work.
Explore a case study
We'll dissect a practical example of modern data science, producing a quick and elegant result using the best of both worlds.
Modern data design is a new synthesis
Using Python & R synergistically is part of a larger modern data design rooted in timeless principles.
It's functional
It's collective
It's a synthesis
Bilingual Data Science Cheat sheet
Get your Python-R Bilingual Dictionary
Meet the authors
We live and breathe data. Our mission is to show a new way of thinking and working with data.

Rick Scavetta
As a founder of Scavetta Academy, Rick is teaching the next generation of laboratory scientists around the world new ways of working with their precious data. Over 200,000 students have taken Rick’s online courses at DataCamp since 2016. He’s also contributed to advanced data science courses for O’Reilly and Manning.
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