Identify one of the open source datasets you found during module 1’s exercise. Create a new Github repository that will focus on analyzing this dataset. Write up an initial report that answers the following:

  1. Assess the distribution of the target / response variable.
    • Is the response skewed?
    • Does applying a transformation normalize the distribution?
  2. Assess the dataset for missingness.
    • How many observations have missing values?
    • Plot the missing values. Does there appear to be any patterns to the missing values?
    • How do you think the different imputation approaches would impact modeling results?
  3. Assess the variance across the features.
    • Do any features have zero variance?
    • Do any features have near-zero variance?
  4. Assess the numeric features.
    • Do some features have significant skewness?
    • Do features have a wide range of values that would benefit from standardization?
  5. Assess the categorical features.
    • Are categorical levels equally spread out across the features or is “lumping” occurring?
    • Which values do you think should be one-hot or dummy encoded versus label encoded? Why?
  6. Execute a basic feature engineering process.
    • First, apply a KNN model to your data without pre-applying feature engineering processes.
    • Create and a apply a blueprint of feature engineering processes that you think will help your model improve.
    • Now reapply the KNN model to your data that has been feature engineered.
    • Did your model performance improve?
