Using the same dataset leveraged for Portfolio Builder Exercise #1, write up a second report that answers the following:

  1. Depending on the type of response variable, apply a linear or logistic regression model.
    • First, apply the model to your data without pre-applying feature engineering processes.
    • Create and a apply a blueprint of feature engineering processes that you think will help your model improve.
    • Now reapply the model to your data that has been feature engineered.
    • Did your model performance improve?
  2. Apply a principal component regression model.
    • Perform a grid search over several components.
    • Identify and explain the performance of the optimal model.
  3. Apply a partial least squares regression model.
    • Perform a grid search over several components.
    • Identify and explain the performance of the optimal model.
  4. Apply a regularized regression model.
    • Perform a grid search across penalty magnitudes (size of \(\lambda\) and type of penalty - ridge, lasso, elastic net).
    • What are the optimal parameter values?
    • What is the RMSE for this optimal model?
    • How does it compare to your previous models?
  5. Pick the best performing model from above.
    • Identify the most influential features for this model.
    • Plot the top 10 most influential features.
    • Do these features have positive or negative impacts on your response variable?
