Using the same dataset leveraged for Portfolio Builder Exercises #1, #2, & #3 write up a third report that answers the following:

  1. Apply a basic GBM model with the same features you used in the random forest module.
    • Apply the default hyperparameter settings with a learning rate set to 0.10. How does model performance compare to the random forest module?
    • How many trees were applied? Was this enough to stabilize the loss function or do you need to add more?
    • Tune the hyperparameters using the suggested tuning strategy for basic GBMs. Did your model performance improve?
  2. Apply a stochastic GBM model. Tune the hyperparameters using the suggested tuning strategy for stochastic GBMs. Did your model performance improve?

  3. Apply an XGBoost model. Tune the hyperparameters using the suggested tuning strategy for XGBoost models.
    • Did your model performance improve?
    • Did regularization help?
  4. Pick your best GBM model. Which 10 features are considered most influential? Are these the same features that have been influential in previous models?

  5. Create partial dependence plots for the top two most influential features. Explain the relationship between the feature and the predicted values.

  6. Using H2O, build and assess the following individual models:
    • regularized regression base learner,
    • random forest base learner.
    • GBM and/or XGBoost base learner.
  7. Using h2o.stackedEnsemble(), stack these three models.
    • Does your stacked model performance improve over and above the individual learners?
    • Explain your reasoning why or why not performance improves.
  8. Perform a stacked grid search with an H2O GBM or XGBoost model.
    • What was your best performing model?
    • Do you notice any patterns in the hyperparameter settings for the top 5-10 models?
  9. Perform an AutoML search across multiple types of learners.
    • Which types of base learners are in the top 10?
    • What model provides the optimal performance?
    • Apply this model to the test set. How does the test loss function compare to the training cross-validated RMSE?
