Chapter 23 Case Study: RNA-Seq

23.1 Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

  • Execute a DESeq analysis on counts form a specific RNA-Seq experimental design
  • Generate standard output plots for RNA-Seq

This RNAseq example was modified form material provided by Thomas Walzthoeni, from QBM Munich.

23.2 Experimental Design

This dataset is part of the BioConductor pasilla package. A simplified version has been provided for this workshop.

In this case study, we’ll consider an RNASeq experiment designed to investigate alternative splicing events. This was done in an an siRNA knock-down mutant of pasilla. The pasilla gene product is implicated in the regulation of alternative splicing, since its gene product binds spliceosomal mRNA. Here, we’ll use two biological replicates each of the knock-down (called treated) and an untreated control.

The reads have already been aligned to the Drosophila genome using tophat. All the reads which mapped to a gene were counted by using its non-overlapping exonic regions.

23.3 Preparations

Ensure that the following packages are installed

Tabl: (#tab:thom-pkg) Packages use in this chapter.

Package Description Source
DESeq2 RNA-Seq analysis BioConductor
gplots Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data CRAN
lattice Advanced plotting functions CRAN

Load the libraries using:

23.4 The data

Exercise 23.1 Read “pasilla_gene_counts.tsv” into R. Store it as an object called rawdata (don’t convert it to a tibble, since we’ll make a matrix shortly). Use read.delim(\dots, row.names = 1).

The object rawdata will be a data frame with 14599 observations (rows) and 7 variables (columns).

Exercise 23.2 We’ll only use the PE data, stored in columns untreated3, untreated4, treated2, and treated3. Select only these columns.

# [1] "untreated1" "untreated2" "untreated3" "untreated4" "treated1"  
# [6] "treated2"   "treated3"

rawdata should now be 14599 observations x 4 variables. You may have have noticed that all the values are numeric, so the ideal data structure would be a matrix.

Exercise 23.3 Convert the data frame to a matrix.

The top of the dataset should look like:

#             untreated3 untreated4 treated2 treated3
# FBgn0000003          0          0        0        1
# FBgn0000008         76         70       88       70
# FBgn0000014          0          0        0        0
# FBgn0000015          1          2        0        0
# FBgn0000017       3564       3150     3072     3334
# FBgn0000018        245        310      299      308

23.5 Checks/Visualizaion of the dataset

Exercise 23.4

Use colSums(), nrow(), plus appropriate arithmetic and relational operators.` For each treatment type (i.e. column in our matrix), what percentage of genes have at least 1 count? 10 counts?
The distribution of gene counts (max 10) in each of the four treatment types.

Figure 23.1: The distribution of gene counts (max 10) in each of the four treatment types.

Exercise 23.5 What is the correlation (\(R^2\) value) between the biological replicates (i.e. between the two treated and between the two untreated samples)? Use cor().

#            untreated3 untreated4 treated2 treated3
# untreated3       1.00       0.98     0.95     0.95
# untreated4       0.98       1.00     0.93     0.94
# treated2         0.95       0.93     1.00     1.00
# treated3         0.95       0.94     1.00     1.00
Exercise 23.6 Visualise the correlation matrix as heatmap using functions in the package. You should be able to generate the plot in figure ??. Use ggcorrplot::ggcorrplot()
A visualisation of our correlation matrix.

Figure 23.2: A visualisation of our correlation matrix.

Exercise 23.7 Use either a for loop (for(i in …) {}),apply()ormap(). Rank transformations are typical of non-parametric statistics. Calculate the rank for the individual observations in each variable. Here, the highest value should get the first rank position. Save your matrix asma.rank`. Refer to section 10.5 for sorting and ranking functions.
# [1] 14599     4

If you have done this correctly, the highest value should be:

# [1] 131242

And it should be on row…

# FBgn0000556 
#         188
Exercise 23.8 Table 23.2 lists the IDs of some genes that should show constant expression across the samples. Look up the rank values of these genes in the matrix and construct a basic bar plot. If we consider ranks extend to 15000, these looks pretty consistent.

Table: (#tab:consEx) Some genes which should exhibit stable expression. | ID | Gene | |———————-|——–| | | GADPH2 | | | Syb | | | RpLP1 |

23.6 DEseq2 Analysis Preparations

Because rawdata is still a matrix, use colnames() to get the column names.

Create a dataframe with the column names and the conditions

#      colData condition
# 1 untreated3         U
# 2 untreated4         U
# 3   treated2         T
# 4   treated3         T
Exercise 23.9 To create a DESeqDataset data structure, we need to define a new DESeqDataSet class object.
# class: DESeqDataSet 
# dim: 14599 4 
# metadata(1): version
# assays(1): counts
# rownames(14599): FBgn0000003 FBgn0000008 ... FBgn0261574
#   FBgn0261575
# rowData names(0):
# colnames(4): untreated3 untreated4 treated2 treated3
# colData names(2): colData condition

23.7 DESeq analysis

Now we are ready to conduct a differential expression analysis. This is done using the DESeq() function on our DESeqDataSet class object (ddsHTSeq).

# estimating size factors
# estimating dispersions
# gene-wise dispersion estimates
# mean-dispersion relationship
# final dispersion estimates
# fitting model and testing

We can use the results() function to obtain the results from the DESeq analysis. This will provide log2 fold-changes and p-values according to the contrast argument. This is a three-element long character vector containing:

  • The name of a factor in the design formula (i.e. condition).
  • The name of the numerator level for the fold change (i.e. T).
  • The name of the denominator level for the fold change (i.e. U).

Here we get a DESeqResults object with six elements:

  • baseMean the base means across samples
  • log2FoldChange log2 fold-changes
  • lfcSE standard errors
  • stat test statistics
  • pvalue p-values
  • padj adjusted p-values

Exercise 23.10 Now that we have our p-values:

  • How many genes result in a p-value < 0.01?
  • How many genes that result in a significant adjusted p-value < 0.01?
Exercise 23.11 If we consider the number of tests as being the number of tests where a p-value was reported (i.e. not NA), how many tests do we have?
Exercise 23.12 From all of these tests, how many would result in a p-value < 0.01 just by chance? Calculate the % of false positives if you would consider the raw p-value instead of the adjusted pvalue.
Exercise 23.13 Plot a histogram of the p-values. You can use the base package hist() function for a quick and dirty plot.
Exercise 23.14 An MA plot is a comparison of log ratios versus mean averages. To create the MA plot of res, look-up the plotMA() function and modify alpha (significance level threshold) to 0.01. Use plotMA().
An MA plot of our study with an alpha threshold of 0.01.

Figure 23.3: An MA plot of our study with an alpha threshold of 0.01.