Chapter 15 Element 8: Tidyverse with dplyr

15.1 Learning Objectives

The dplyr ecosystem is composed of three main components:

  • The pipe operator %>%,
  • The five verbs of dplyr:
    • filter(),
    • arrange(),
    • select(),
    • mutate(),
    • summarise(), and
  • group_by()

15.2 Split-Apply-Combine with the dplyr Package

Split-apply-combine refers to a series of actions that are often repeated in data analysis and statistics. A data-set is

  • Split into sub-groups defined by a categorical (aka factor) variable. A function is then
  • Applied to each individual sub-set, and the results are
  • Combined into a new data-set or added onto the original data-set.

There are many ways to perform split-apply-combine operations in R. Actually, we already saw this in action on the first day of the workshop (4).

# # A tibble: 3 x 3
#   group   avg stdev
#   <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 trt2   5.53 0.443
# 2 trt1   4.66 0.794
# 3 ctrl   5.03 0.583
The apply family of functions are powerful are useful base package functions.
Typical base package functions include apply, tapply(), sapply(), lapply(), mapply(), by(), and aggregrate().
However, they proved difficult to master for new-comers since the class for the input and output of each function was different, and not obvious.
Recall, one of the biggest problems you’ll encounter is having data in the wrong class!
There has been a major effort within the R community to develop easier tools for performing these tasks. The dplyr package has now come to dominate split-apply-combine tasks, largely because the commands are intuitive and syntactically uniform.
The many packages which have moved R into this direction are called the tidyverse.

The dplyr package takes the analogy of the program language closer to spoken language by referring to the data frames as nouns and the actions performed as verbs.

15.3 Tibbles

Let’s get started by loading the package. We’ll see some familiar operations done in a new way, so let’s re-import the protein.txt file, just to be sure we’re all on the same page.

The first thing we want to do with our data frame is convert it to a tibble. Actually we’re not changing anything about the data frame, it’s still a data frame, but we’re adding a new attribute, so that

# [1] "data.frame"
# [1] "data.frame"

{}just adds some attributes to the object:46

# [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

The only reason we do this is so that when we call{}

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 15
#    Description Uniprot Peptides MW.kDa Sequence.Length Ratio.M.L
#    <chr>       <chr>      <int>  <dbl>           <int>     <dbl>
#  1 >ENSEMBL:E… ""            14  193.             1742    0.0651
#  2 Tubulin al… TBA1B_…       10   50.2             451    0.519 
#  3 >ENSEMBL:E… ""            13  164.             1477    0.104 
#  4 >ENSEMBL:E… ""             3   65.2             578    0.0728
#  5 >P01030 SW… ""            14  193.             1741   NA     
#  6 >P01966 SW… ""             3   15.2             142    0.174 
#  7 >P02769 SW… ""             7   69.3             607    0.0976
#  8 >P12763 SW… ""             3   38.4             359    0.187 
#  9 >P15636 SW… ""             1   68.1             653   NA     
# 10 >P34955 SW… ""             9   46.1             416    0.0656
# # … with 1,213 more rows, and 9 more variables:
# #   Ratio.M.L.Sig <dbl>, Ratio.H.L <dbl>, Ratio.H.L.Sig <dbl>,
# #   Ratio.H.M <dbl>, Ratio.H.M.Sig <dbl>, Intensity.L <int>,
# #   Intensity.M <int>, Intensity.H <int>, Contaminant <chr>

{}it will print nicer. Another really useful dplyr function is glimpse():

# Observations: 1,223
# Variables: 15
# $ Description     <chr> ">ENSEMBL:ENSBTAP00000007350 (Bos taurus)…
# $ Uniprot         <chr> "", "TBA1B_MOUSE;O89052_MOUSE;Q99KA2_MOUS…
# $ Peptides        <int> 14, 10, 13, 3, 14, 3, 7, 3, 1, 9, 9, 1, 7…
# $ MW.kDa          <dbl> 193, 50, 164, 65, 193, 15, 69, 38, 68, 46…
# $ Sequence.Length <int> 1742, 451, 1477, 578, 1741, 142, 607, 359…
# $ Ratio.M.L       <dbl> 0.065, 0.519, 0.104, 0.073, NA, 0.174, 0.…
# $ Ratio.M.L.Sig   <dbl> 6.5e-08, 3.5e-01, 2.8e-05, 5.2e-05, NA, 1…
# $ Ratio.H.L       <dbl> 0.023, 0.285, 0.050, 0.040, NA, 0.166, 0.…
# $ Ratio.H.L.Sig   <dbl> 2.0e-08, 2.9e-01, 7.4e-05, 2.2e-05, NA, 1…
# $ Ratio.H.M       <dbl> 0.35, 0.50, 0.45, 0.47, NA, 1.00, 0.66, 0…
# $ Ratio.H.M.Sig   <dbl> 0.01815, 0.25055, 0.19706, 0.26863, NA, 0…
# $ Intensity.L     <int> 91981000, 30801000, 35614000, 9823100, 19…
# $ Intensity.M     <int> 9215400, 18667000, 8236200, 1826100, 9003…
# $ Intensity.H     <int> 5263600, 10136000, 4904200, 1205000, 1443…
# $ Contaminant     <chr> "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "…

This is like str(), but it provides a more human-friendly output. Those are nice new functions, but let’s move onto the real purpose of dplyr.

There are three main components to understanding dplyr.47

  • The pipe operator
  • The five verbs plus the helper functions
  • An adverb

15.4 The pipe operator - %>%

The pipe operator is a shorthand for calling functions, such that:

function(x) == x \%>\% function()48

This is not specific to dplyr functions. It can be used with any R functions:

# [1] 5.5
# [1] 5.5

The advantage here is that we can string together a long series of functions that would be very difficult to read in the regular R nomenclature, which we’ll see in a minute as our functions get more complex.

15.5 The Five Verbs

There are five verbs which we can use to act upon our noun:

Table 15.1: The five dplyr verbs.
Verb Description Section
Operating on observations
filter() Filter observations given specific criteria (see subset()). Section 15.5.1
arrange() Rearrange observations given specific criteria (see order()). Section 15.5.2
Operating on variables
select() Select variables meeting specific criteria. Section 15.5.3
mutate() Apply transformation functions on selected variables. Section 15.5.4
summarise() Apply aggregation functions on selected variables. Section 15.5.4

Let’s take a look at these functions in the context of operations we already understand

15.5.1 filter()

Recall that we can use subset() or [] to filter a data frame.

The above functions are equivalent. Here, filter() is just the dplyr version:

The advantage is that it’s easy to combine many logical expressions with an & using a comma:

15.5.2 arrange()

Previously, we extracted the Uniprot IDs having the top 20 M/L ratios. First we had to get the index of the order and then apply that to the data frame. Here, we can use the arrange() function:49

Some alternatives for the last line in the above commands:

slice(1:20) -> topML


head(20) -> topML

The result is a one-column data frame. Remember, dplyr is very data frame centric.

# Observations: 20
# Variables: 1
# $ Uniprot <chr> "ANXA2_MOUSE;Q3UCD3_MOUSE;Q542G9_MOUSE;Q99KH3_MOU…

15.5.3 select()

select() is used for choosing specific columns.

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 3
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.M
#        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1    0.0651    0.0235     0.351
#  2    0.519     0.285      0.500
#  3    0.104     0.0498     0.450
#  4    0.0728    0.0405     0.471
#  5   NA        NA         NA    
#  6    0.174     0.166      0.997
#  7    0.0976    0.0793     0.661
#  8    0.187     0.0374     0.249
#  9   NA        NA         NA    
# 10    0.0656    0.0305     0.421
# # … with 1,213 more rows
#   healthy    tissue
# 1    TRUE     Liver
# 2   FALSE Forebrain
# 3   FALSE    Testes
# 4    TRUE    Tongue
# 5    TRUE Intestine
# 6   FALSE     Heart
#   healthy    tissue
# 1    TRUE     Liver
# 2   FALSE Forebrain
# 3   FALSE    Testes
# 4    TRUE    Tongue
# 5    TRUE Intestine
# 6   FALSE     Heart

This is all fine and good, but we also have a number of helper functions that we can use to access columns.

Table 15.2: The dplyr helper functions.
Helper function Description
starts_with(x) Names starts with x.
ends_with(x) Names ends in x.
contains(x) Selects variable names containing x.
matches(x) Selects all variable names matching the regex x.
num_range("x", 1:5) Selects x1 to x5.
one_of("x", "y", "z") Selects variables in a character vector.
everything() Selects all variables.
# # A tibble: 1,223 x 6
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.M.L.Sig Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.L.Sig Ratio.H.M
#        <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1    0.0651  0.0000000648    0.0235  0.0000000202     0.351
#  2    0.519   0.350           0.285   0.289            0.500
#  3    0.104   0.0000278       0.0498  0.0000739        0.450
#  4    0.0728  0.0000516       0.0405  0.0000222        0.471
#  5   NA      NA              NA      NA               NA    
#  6    0.174   0.0128          0.166   0.110            0.997
#  7    0.0976  0.000014        0.0793  0.000705         0.661
#  8    0.187   0.00418         0.0374  0.00000167       0.249
#  9   NA      NA              NA      NA               NA    
# 10    0.0656  0.00000016      0.0305  0.000000179      0.421
# # … with 1,213 more rows, and 1 more variable: Ratio.H.M.Sig <dbl>

Remember, we can also use the - notation (like we did in []) to not select specific columns.50

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 3
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.M
#        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1    0.0651    0.0235     0.351
#  2    0.519     0.285      0.500
#  3    0.104     0.0498     0.450
#  4    0.0728    0.0405     0.471
#  5   NA        NA         NA    
#  6    0.174     0.166      0.997
#  7    0.0976    0.0793     0.661
#  8    0.187     0.0374     0.249
#  9   NA        NA         NA    
# 10    0.0656    0.0305     0.421
# # … with 1,213 more rows

OK, so now that we have our columns, we can pass them along to some functions:

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 3
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.M
#        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1    -3.94      -5.41  -1.51   
#  2    -0.946     -1.81  -1.00   
#  3    -3.27      -4.33  -1.15   
#  4    -3.78      -4.63  -1.09   
#  5    NA         NA     NA      
#  6    -2.52      -2.59  -0.00464
#  7    -3.36      -3.66  -0.598  
#  8    -2.42      -4.74  -2.00   
#  9    NA         NA     NA      
# 10    -3.93      -5.04  -1.25   
# # … with 1,213 more rows

In this very simplistic view, we need to attach the original data frame back to the \(log_2\) transformed columns. This is doable, but there are better ways. For example, we can use the dplyr function bind\_cols(). This is a dplyr version of cbind().

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 18
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.M Description Uniprot Peptides MW.kDa
#        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <int>  <dbl>
#  1    -3.94      -5.41  -1.51    >ENSEMBL:E… ""            14  193. 
#  2    -0.946     -1.81  -1.00    Tubulin al… TBA1B_…       10   50.2
#  3    -3.27      -4.33  -1.15    >ENSEMBL:E… ""            13  164. 
#  4    -3.78      -4.63  -1.09    >ENSEMBL:E… ""             3   65.2
#  5    NA         NA     NA       >P01030 SW… ""            14  193. 
#  6    -2.52      -2.59  -0.00464 >P01966 SW… ""             3   15.2
#  7    -3.36      -3.66  -0.598   >P02769 SW… ""             7   69.3
#  8    -2.42      -4.74  -2.00    >P12763 SW… ""             3   38.4
#  9    NA         NA     NA       >P15636 SW… ""             1   68.1
# 10    -3.93      -5.04  -1.25    >P34955 SW… ""             9   46.1
# # … with 1,213 more rows, and 11 more variables:
# #   Sequence.Length <int>, Ratio.M.L1 <dbl>, Ratio.M.L.Sig <dbl>,
# #   Ratio.H.L1 <dbl>, Ratio.H.L.Sig <dbl>, Ratio.H.M1 <dbl>,
# #   Ratio.H.M.Sig <dbl>, Intensity.L <int>, Intensity.M <int>,
# #   Intensity.H <int>, Contaminant <chr>

There are even better ways, which we’ll see in the next section.

15.5.4 mutate() & summarise()

Remember, we have two basic types of functions we want to apply to our data:

Transformation using mutate(), and Aggregations using summarise()

Some common normalisations (transformations) include z-scores and scaling on a min-max range [0,1]:

# # A tibble: 30 x 4
#    weight group Z_score min.max
#     <dbl> <fct>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#  1   4.17 ctrl  -1.29     0.213
#  2   5.58 ctrl   0.723    0.732
#  3   5.18 ctrl   0.153    0.585
#  4   6.11 ctrl   1.48     0.926
#  5   4.5  ctrl  -0.817    0.335
#  6   4.61 ctrl  -0.660    0.375
#  7   5.17 ctrl   0.138    0.581
#  8   4.53 ctrl  -0.774    0.346
#  9   5.33 ctrl   0.367    0.640
# 10   5.14 ctrl   0.0956   0.570
# # … with 20 more rows

Descriptive statistics are aggregation functions:

# # A tibble: 1 x 2
#   averge
#    <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1   5.07  0.701

If we see what we did previously with the \(log_{2}\) ratios, you may decide we need something more elegant. For example in protein.df, we want to transform (i.e. mutate()) 3 columns using \(log_{2}\) and another 3 columns using \(log_{10}\). For starters, we can do this:

# # A tibble: 1,223 x 6
#    Ratio.M.L Ratio.H.L Ratio.H.M Ratio.M.L_Log2 Ratio.H.L_Log2
#        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>
#  1    0.0651    0.0235     0.351         -3.94           -5.41
#  2    0.519     0.285      0.500         -0.946          -1.81
#  3    0.104     0.0498     0.450         -3.27           -4.33
#  4    0.0728    0.0405     0.471         -3.78           -4.63
#  5   NA        NA         NA             NA              NA   
#  6    0.174     0.166      0.997         -2.52           -2.59
#  7    0.0976    0.0793     0.661         -3.36           -3.66
#  8    0.187     0.0374     0.249         -2.42           -4.74
#  9   NA        NA         NA             NA              NA   
# 10    0.0656    0.0305     0.421         -3.93           -5.04
# # … with 1,213 more rows, and 1 more variable: Ratio.H.M_Log2 <dbl>

But you can imagine that that’s pretty tedious. So to help automate things, we have a series of helper functions.

Table 15.3: Variations of summarise() and mutate(). For each variant, replace ... with either mutate, summarise, or summarize.
Function variant Description Section
*_if() Conditional mapping Section 15.5.5
*_at() Specify columns Section 15.5.6
*_all() All variables Not discussed
*_each() Each, renaming Not discussed

15.5.5 summarise_if(), mutate_if()

_if variants mutate or summarise given a conditional equation.

# # A tibble: 1 x 1
#   weight
#    <dbl>
# 1   5.07
# # A tibble: 30 x 2
#     weight group
#      <dbl> <fct>
#  1 -1.29   ctrl 
#  2  0.723  ctrl 
#  3  0.153  ctrl 
#  4  1.48   ctrl 
#  5 -0.817  ctrl 
#  6 -0.660  ctrl 
#  7  0.138  ctrl 
#  8 -0.774  ctrl 
#  9  0.367  ctrl 
# 10  0.0956 ctrl 
# # … with 20 more rows

15.5.6 summarise_at(), mutate_at()

summarise\_at() allows us to bypass select() by using the helper functions with the vars() function.51 For example, we can get the mean of specific columns we are interested in:

Or, we can perform transformations on specific columns:

This is what we’ll do here, because we can mutate in-situ:

15.6 group_by()

So far we’ve seen transformations and aggregation functions on the entire data set, but what of the split component in split-apply-combine? The final piece of the puzzle is the group\_by() function, which tells R how to group data. Let’s return to the play data set from earlier and see if we can accomplish our last three aggregation scenarios:

# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# # Groups:   type [2]
#   type   time   avg
#   <fct> <int> <dbl>
# 1 A         1    30
# 2 A         2    40
# 3 B         1    50
# 4 B         2    60
# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# # Groups:   type [2]
#   type  key      avg
#   <fct> <chr>  <dbl>
# 1 A     height    15
# 2 A     width     55
# 3 B     height    35
# 4 B     width     75
# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# # Groups:   time [2]
#    time key      avg
#   <int> <chr>  <dbl>
# 1     1 height    20
# 2     1 width     60
# 3     2 height    30
# 4     2 width     70

  1. See page ?? for a discussion of attributes.

  2. dplyr is the data-frame centric cousin of an earlier package called plyr. The name plyr brings to mind the word plier, a hand-held tool used to hold, compress and transform all variety of materials.

  3. When speaking the commands say then.

  4. Notice the use of the third possible assign operator here, ->, which allows us to readl dplyr commands like grammatically correct sentences: subject %>% verb -> object.

  5. The - notation is like how we use != in logical expressions in in [] to not select specific observations.

  6. We also have the possibility to specify more than one function using the funs() function, which we’ll see in the case study in the next chapter.