Chapter 11 Performing Statistical Tests

R is extremely powerful when it comes to performing statistical tests. Here, we will do a Pearson’s correlation between the Log2 ratios of HM and HL. The correlation test will be done with the cor.test() function, as follows:


#   Pearson's product-moment correlation
# data:  protein.df$Ratio.H.M and protein.df$Ratio.M.L
# t = -3, df = 830, p-value = 0.01
# alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval:
#  -0.156 -0.021
# sample estimates:
#    cor 
# -0.089

The cor.test() function provides a set of values which can be individually accessed:

# $names
# [1] "statistic"   "parameter"   "p.value"     "estimate"   
# [5] "null.value"  "alternative" "method"      ""  
# [9] ""   
# $class
# [1] "htest"
# [1] "htest"
# [1] "statistic"   "parameter"   "p.value"     "estimate"   
# [5] "null.value"  "alternative" "method"      ""  
# [9] ""
# [1] 0.01
#    cor 
# -0.089
#   cor 
# 0.008

The class of a cor.test() output is htest (hypothesis test). htest objects are lists. They have some unique properties, but you can extract information in a similar way as in data frames.

  1. Note that the default cor.test() function performs a Pearson correlation coefficient. If we wanted to perform a Spearman’s rank-correlation coefficient, we would have to set the method argument to "spearman". Also, in the output, cor refers to \(R\). To calculate the more common \(R^2\), you will have to square it.